Results for 'Angélica Montes Montoya'

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  1.  29
    Entrevista a Ramón Grosfoguel.Angélica Montes Montoya & Hugo Busso - 2007 - Polis 18.
    Grosfoguel habla acerca de la colonialidad del poder y de la posibilidad de una política radical más allá de las políticas de la identidad y de la articulación de un discurso crítico que supere el nacionalismo y el colonialismo. Propone superar los paradigmas de la economía política y los estudios culturales. Parte del criterio que colonialidad y modernidad son dos caras de la misma moneda y sintetiza la crítica a la epistemología eurocéntrica hegemónica, que asume un punto de vista universalista, (...)
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    Aporías de la democracia.Angélica Montes Montoya - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (56).
    “Aporías de la democracia” es la primera obra colectiva de la red NosOtros y que surge del encuentro de un grupo de académicas y académicos de distintas instituciones y países de América latina y Europa. Esta red inicio el proceso de compartir y producir en colectivo con el 1er Coloquio Euro-Latinoamericano consagrado al tema que da su título a la obra.
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    Edouard glissant Y la cosmopolitización créole : Una nueva gramática de la identidad?Angélica Montes-Montoya - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:112-131.
    RESUMEN El martiniqués Édouard Glissant ha sido uno de esos autores cuya obra poética, filosófica y literaria ha hecho una trashumancia en los espacios académicos y de los grupos militantes que se autoidentifican como decoloniales. Siendo objeto de relectura critica decoloniales, la categoria de creolización de Glissant se posiciona -al decir de algunos- como un auténtico ejemplo del pensamiento decolonial radical; como un arquetipo de una epistemologia no europea desde el Caribe. A contracorriente con estas ideas, deseo mostrar en qué (...)
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  4. Tejido Democrático: entre la Utopía Digital y la Distopía de la Información.Angélica Montes Montoya & Gina Paola Rodríguez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240180.
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    Editorial: Atualidade da Filosofia de Espinosa: Matéria e potência.Cesar Candiotto, Léo Peruzzo Júnior, Antonio Valverde, Ricardo Espinosa Lolas & Eladio Craia - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (56).
    Pensar é uma espécie de exercício responsável que não pode ser omitido neste momento que vivenciamos e partilhamos. Por isso, cultivar boas reflexões depende, por um lado, da capacidade técnico-acadêmica de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores e, por outro, da maneira como conduzem o seu horizonte filosófico diante de um quadro de perspectivas e desafios. Assim, a produção filosófica não precisa de milagres para compreender a natureza, como afirmará Espinosa, mas de uma aliança entre liberdade e razão.É neste sentido que o presente (...)
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  6. Temporal Cognition in Apes.Angelica Kaufmann & Gerardo Viera - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    In humans, at least some of our ability to coordinate our actions with the timing of events in our world is due to our capacities for temporal cognition. However, controversy arises when we turn our attention to the animal world. In this paper, we will argue that apes, especially Taï Chimpanzees, are capable of genuine temporal cognition. That is, they are able to mentally represent and reason about time in cognition. We do this by developing a novel analysis of the (...)
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    R. P. Didaci Ruiz de Montoya Hispalensis... Commentaria, ac disputationes in primam partem sancti Thomae. De voluntate Dei, et propriis actibus eius.Diego Ruiz de Montoya, André Thomas & Jacob Prost - 1630 - Sumptib. Iacobi, Andreae, & Matthaei Prost.
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  8. Two Models of Mind Blanking.Angelica Kaufmann, Sara Parmigiani & Toshikazu Kawagoe - 2023 - European Journal of Neuroscience 59 (5):786-795.
    Mind blanking is a mental state in which attention does not bring any perceptual input into conscious awareness. As this state is still largely unexplored, we suggest that a comprehensive understanding of mind blanking can be achieved through a multifaceted approach combining self-assessment methods, neuroimaging, and neuromodulation. In this article, we explain how EEG and TMS could be combined to help determine whether mind blanking is associated with a lack of mental content or a lack of linguistically or conceptually determinable (...)
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    Kant and the unity of reason.Angelica Nuzzo - 2005 - Purdue University Press.
    Kant and the Unity of Reason is a comprehensive reconstruction and a detailed analysis of Kant's Critique of Judgment. In the light of the third Critique, the book offers a final inter­pretation of the critical project as a whole. It proposes a new reading of Kant's notion of human experience in which domains, as different as knowledge, morality, and the experience of beauty and life, are finally viewed in a unified perspective. The book proposes a reading of Kant's critical project (...)
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  10. Aristotle on teleology.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2005 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Monte Johnson examines one of the most controversial aspects of Aristiotle's natural philosophy: his teleology. Is teleology about causation or explanation? Does it exclude or obviate mechanism, determinism, or materialism? Is it focused on the good of individual organisms, or is god or man the ultimate end of all processes and entities? Is teleology restricted to living things, or does it apply to the cosmos as a whole? Does it identify objectively existent causes in the world, or is it merely (...)
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    Introducing individual sentience profiles in nonhuman primate neuroscience research.Angelica Kaufmann - 2023 - Current Research in Neurobiology 5.
    The Animal Research Declaration is committed to establishing cohesive and rigorous ethical standards to safeguard the welfare of nonhuman primates, NHPs, engaged in neuroscience research (Petkov et al., 2022 this issue). As part of this mission, there is an expanding dialogue amongst neuroscientists, philosophers and policymakers, that is centred on diverse aspects of animal welfare and scientific practice. This paper emphasises the necessity of integrating the assessment of animal sentience into the declaration. Animal sentience, in this context, refers to the (...)
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  12. Love, identification and equality: rational problems in Harry Frankfurt's concept of person.Martin Montoya - 2016 - Appraisal 11 (1):56-60.
    Harry Frankfurt has published On Inequality, but this is not the first time he has written about this subject. Frankfurt already criticized a rationalistic notion of equality on other occasions (Frankfurt, 1987 & 1997). In these works he says a rationalistic notion of equality cannot fit in with our belief that agents possess their own volitional necessities, which shape volitional structures of the human will. However, Frankfurt's explanatory connection between volitions, love and identification make it difficult to talk about personal (...)
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    Dissociative Amnesia: Remembrances Under Cover.Angelica Staniloiu & Hans J. Markowitsch - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (4):590-607.
    The existence or questionability of “repressed memories” can be discussed as being a matter of definition. It seems, however, far-fetched to consider all “lost” memories as caused by encoding problems, brain damage, forgetfulness, failure to disclose events, and so on. We argue that dissociative amnesia (DA) (or “psychogenic amnesia,” or “functional amnesia,” or, as we favor to call it, “mnestic block syndrome”) is caused by psychic alterations, but ultimately they can be traced to changes in the physiology of the brain, (...)
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    Aplicación de six sigma en las organizaciones.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias & Juan Carlos Castaño Benjumea - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    El papel del docente frente en la enseñanza del proceso contable.Leonel Arias Montoya & Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Genetic factors in EEG, sleep, and evoked potentials.Monte S. Buchsbaum & Elliot S. Gershon - 1980 - In J. M. Davidson & Richard J. Davidson (eds.), The Psychobiology of Consciousness. Plenum. pp. 147--168.
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    Optimización Del proceso de elaboración de raciones en un servicio de alimentación colectiva.Angélica Sanhueza Contreras - 2011 - Theoria: Revista Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades 20 (2):7-11.
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    Gesetz und Begehren: theologische, philosophische und psychoanalytische Perspektiven.Angelica Löwe, Roman Lesmeister & Daniel Krochmalnik (eds.) - 2017 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Als sozial und kulturell verfasstes Subjekt steht der Mensch in einem inneren Spannungsfeld zwischen Begehren und Gesetz. Seinen Wunschregungen sind Begrenzungen auferlegt, die stets Fragen der Ethik aufrufen. Die Beitrage dieses Buches untersuchen das Verhaltnis von Gesetz und Begehren in einer Reihe von Diskursfeldern, die untereinander in enger Beruhrung stehen: dem theologischen judischer und christlicher Pragung, dem (moral-)philosophischen und literarischen, schliesslich dem psychoanalytischen mit besonderer Gewichtung der Psychoanalyse Jacques Lacans.
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  19. The Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS), setting health research priorities.Jaime C. Montoya - 2008 - In Angeles Tan-Alora (ed.), Introduction to Health Research Ethics: Philippine Health Research Ethics Board. Philippine National Health Research System.
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    Dialectic, understanding and reason : How does Hegel's logic begin?Angelica Nuzzo - 2009 - In Markus Gabriel (ed.), The dialectic of the absolute-Hegel's critique of transcendent metaphysics. Continuum. pp. 12.
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  21. Searle y la posibilidad de derivar un “Debe” de un “Es”.Angélica María Rodríguez Ortiz - 2015 - Escritos 23 (50):213-229.
    El análisis del lenguaje prescriptivo y el lenguaje descriptivo es algo de lo que se ha encargado la filosofía analítica. Sus estudios discurren, entre otros, sobre problemas como el que plantea la denominada “falacia naturalista” o “El problema de la guillotina”, donde autores como Hume, y malas interpretaciones sobre lo trabajado por Moore acerca de las propiedades “naturales” y “no- naturales” del lenguaje, han afirmado la imposibilidad de derivar un “Debe” de un “Es”, llegando con ello a la tesis que (...)
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    Gay as classroom practice: A study on sexuality in a secondary language classroom.Angelica Simonsson & Petra Angervall - 2016 - Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 4 (1):37-70.
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    Encuentro entre la adúltera y Jesús: el triple juicio.Leonardo Suárez Montoya - 2019 - Mayéutica 45 (99):117-129.
    “Dos se quedan allí: la miserable y la misericordia” es una de las frases más conocidas de las obras de san Agustín y que más se emplean en homilías para hablar de la misericordia. En este texto nos proponemos analizar el concepto de misericordia en san Agustín siguiendo su comentario al evangelio de san Juan sobre el encuentro entre la adúltera y el Señor. Para sistematizar el pensamiento agustiniano, repasaremos el triple juicio en este pasaje bíblico: el juicio de los (...)
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    ¿Transmedia o cross-media? Un análisis multidisciplinar de su uso terminológico en la literatura académica.María Isabel Villa-Montoya & Diego Montoya-Bermúdez - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):249-275.
    La distinción entre transmedia y cross-media con frecuencia resulta confusa en los estudios sobre la comunicación. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo revisar el uso de ambos conceptos en la literatura científica publicada en Web of Science y SciELO Citation Index. La investigación parte de una muestra de 895 artículos a los que se les aplica un análisis bibliométrico y un análisis de redes para descubrir las relaciones entre textos. Los resultados del estudio son útiles para conocer la configuración del campo (...)
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  25. Kant and the Unity of Reason.Angelica Nuzzo - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (3):663-663.
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    Self-regulation of stimulus intensity: Augmenting/reducing and the average evoked response.Monte Buchsbaum - 1976 - In Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.), Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 101--135.
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    Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of some Central Components of His Thought.Leonidas Montes - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Leonidas Montes presents a new reading of Adam Smith's legacy. The classical influences, the meaning of some key concepts, and what other authors were saying at the time, are fundamental to understand what Smith really said. Starting with the famous Das Adam Smith Problem, Montes investigates the causes and the context of the Problem, and proposes the importance of the moral triad of the supposed impartial spectator, propriety and self-command for understanding Smith's broad concept of sympathy. Smith's virtues (...)
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  28. The end of Hegel's logic : Absolute idea as absolute method.Angelica Nuzzo - 2005 - In David Gray Carlson (ed.), Hegel's theory of the subject. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Uma análise dos gêneros abecedário e limerique na literatura infantil: os livros ilustrados de Edward Gorey.Angelica Micoanski Thomazine - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64217p.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyze two different genres, an abecedarium and a limerick, which are common in Children’s Literature. The selected exemplars, The Gashlycrumb Tinies and A Limerick, were written by Edward Gorey. This analysis aims to identify stylistic, thematic, and rhetorical aspects in the exemplars, both in the written text and in the illustrations, through exploratory documental research and under the perspective of multimodality. As a result, traditional aspects of the genres are present in both the texts, such (...)
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    Looking at comorbidity through the glasses of neuroscientific memory research: A brain-network perspective.Angelica Staniloiu & Hans J. Markowitsch - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):170-171.
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    Psychogenic amnesia – A malady of the constricted self☆.Angelica Staniloiu, Hans J. Markowitsch & Matthias Brand - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):778-801.
    Autobiographical–episodic memory is the conjunction of subjective time, autonoetic consciousness and the experiencing self. Understanding the neural correlates of autobiographical–episodic memory might therefore be essential for shedding light on the neurobiology underlying the experience of being an autonoetic self. In this contribution we illustrate the intimate relationship between autobiographical–episodic memory and self by reviewing the clinical and neuropsychological features and brain functional imaging correlates of psychogenic amnesia – a condition that is usually characterized by severely impaired retrograde memory functioning, in (...)
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  32. R. P. Didaci Ruiz de Montoya ... Commentarii Ac Disputationes Ad Quaestionem Xxii. & Bonam Partem Quaestionis Xxiii Ex Prima Parte S. Thomae de Providentia Praedefiniente, Ac Praebente Praedestinationis Exordium.Diego Ruiz de Montoya, André Thomas & Jacob Prost - 1631 - Sumptib. Iacobi, Andreae, & Matthaei Prost.
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    Joint distal intentions: who shares what?Angelica Kaufmann - 2016 - In Julian Kiverstein (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind. New York: Routledge.
    The ability to think for cooperating is called Shared Intentionality (Tomasello, 2014, p. 125). The advocates of the Shared Intentionality Hypothesis maintain that this is a distinctively human skill, for humans possess a foundational ability to ascribe distal intentions to conspecifics, and to share distal intentions courtesy of this capacity. Accordingly, humans appear to be provided with a specific capacity to coordinate joint actions and plans over time. I investigate to what extent such capacity can be observed to emerge in (...)
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    Memory, history, justice in Hegel.Angelica Nuzzo - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book ends with a Hegelian interpretation of the idea of memory mobilized in Toni Morrison's and Primo Levi's literary works—examples of spirit's 'absolute memory.'.
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    Fundamentos de la justicia y de los presupuestos de una sociedad justa en sociedades menos organizadas: un enfoque desde la Teoría de la justicia de John Rawls.Montoya Corrales & Carlos Alberto - 2017 - Medellín: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
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    Políticas de ciudad: planear la ciudad para reivindicar la dimensión humana.Lucas Correa Montoya - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Las políticas de la ciudad deben ser entendidas como aquellas que abordan asuntos relacionados con un sector o territorio específico, la ciudad o una parte de ella. Sin embargo, si éstas se entienden dentro del marco del derecho a la ciudad, se convierten en políticas que van más allá de la idea de la ciudad como un problema territorial o funcional. Se convierten entonces, en políticas que atienden una realidad compleja, que abordan factores tanto territoriales y funcionales como éticos y (...)
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  37. El problema epistemológico en la pedagogía contemporánea.Berasain de Montoya & Otilia Celia[From Old Catalog] - 1960 - San Luis, Argentina,:
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    Experience-Specific Dimensions of Consciousness (Observable in Flexible and Spontaneous Action Planning Among Animals).Angelica Kaufmann - 2021 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 15 (Comparative Animal Consciousness).
    The multidimensional framework to the study of consciousness, which comes as an alternative to a single sliding scale model, offers a set of experimental paradigms for investigating dimensions of animal consciousness, acknowledging the compelling urge for a novel approach. One of these dimensions investigates whether non-human animals can flexibly and spontaneously plan for a future event, and for future desires, without relying on reinforcement learning. This is a critical question since different intentional structures for action in non-human animals are described (...)
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    De la téchne griega a la técnica occidental moderna.Omar Montoya Suárez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  40. Tránsito de la certeza de sí a la verdad de sí.Rocío Basurto Montoya - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49.
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  41. ... As if truth were a Coin!-Lessing and Hegel's developmental theory of truth.Angelica Nuzzo - 2009 - Hegel-Studien 44:131-155.
  42. Hegel's political philosophy as constructivism of the real.Angelica Nuzzo - 2020 - In James Gledhill & Sebastian Stein (eds.), Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy: Beyond Kantian Constructivism. New York: Routledge.
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    Introduction.Angelica Nuzzo - 2013 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 21:1-18.
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  44. The logic of historical truth": history and individuality in Fichte's later philosophy of history.Angelica Nuzzo - 2008 - In Tom Rockmore & Daniel Breazeale (eds.), After Jena: New Essays on Fichte's Later Philosophy. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
  45. Elémire Zolla e l'americanistica.Angelica Palumbo - 2012 - Filosofia Oggi 35 (139):405-424.
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    Modernidad e identidades colectivas. Observaciones sobre la política de la representación y la representación de la política en el cine.José Fernando Saldarriaga Montoya - 2009 - Ratio Juris 4 (8):65-78.
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    Narrativas cinematográficas en el contexto de dos guerras mundiales.José Fernando Saldarriaga Montoya - 2009 - Ratio Juris 4 (9):41-51.
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  48. A Place for Existential Ontology?: Emblems of Being and Implicit World-Projection.Angelica M. D. Tratter - 2015 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (2):133-146.
    Since its inception, existential psychotherapy has been the principal ‘site,’ whereat philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology join hands. The Swiss psychiatrist, Ludwig Binswanger, is among the first psychiatrists to develop a philosophically grounded vision of psychiatry and psychology. Binswanger is indebted to Heidegger, Husserl, and Buber and becomes the pioneer and founding father of Daseinsanalysis, an existential–phenomenological anthropology for the study of psychoses. Later, in the hands of Medard Boss and under the guidance of Martin Heidegger, Daseinsanalysis evolves as the first (...)
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  49. Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica.Angelica Nuzzo - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (4):577-597.
    Angelica Nuzzo - Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 577-597 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica Angelica Nuzzo While philosophers since antiquity have offered reflections and theories on subjects such as the beautiful, the sublime, art, and its appreciation, "aesthetics" as a discipline in its own right dates back only to the second half of the eighteenth-century. We owe to (...)
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    Ideal Embodiment. Kant's Theory of Sensibility.Angelica Nuzzo - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Angelica Nuzzo offers a comprehensive reconstruction of Kant's theory of sensibility in his three Critiques. By introducing the notion of "transcendental embodiment," Nuzzo proposes a new understanding of Kant's views on science, nature, morality, and art. She shows that the issue of human embodiment is coherently addressed and key to comprehending vexing issues in Kant's work as a whole. In this penetrating book, Nuzzo enters new terrain and takes on questions Kant struggled with: How does a body that feels pleasure (...)
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